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Considering Studying Abroad? Here’s a Guide on the SIM Learners Application and Acceptance Journey

Embarking on the exciting journey of studying abroad can be both thrilling and overwhelming. In this article, we’ll walk you through the SIM Learners Application and Acceptance Journey, providing a guide for your smooth transition into your international student life.  

 Step 1. Enquiry & Consultation: 

As you consider pursuing your dreams at SIM, we invite you to reach out through calls, chats, emails, arranging for a campus tour or attending SIM events. Our dedicated team is here to provide personalized advice. Reach out to our Regional Recruitment team at rr@sim.edu.sg for your enquiries. 

 Step 2. Prepare Application Documents: 

This includes Digital copies of educational qualifications, identification, passport-sized photograph and others (as required). If you are unsure, please approach our recruitment team.  

 Step 3. Submit Online Application: 

Submitting your application online is a seamless process. Create a SIM account at SIMConnect portal. Complete and pay the application fee. International applicants must also submit their student pass application on the Immigration & Checkpoint Authority (ICA)’s website. The current application fee for international students is S$486.00 inclusive of GST. Application fee from 1 May 2024 onwards will be raised to S$545.00* (International Applicants). This does not include fees related to Student Pass application. 

 Step 4. Document Submission and Verification: 

Upload all relevant documents.If documents are not in English, translated notarised version is 

required. Verify documents virtually (Email at students@sim.edu.sg  / Zoom /OpenCerts where applicable) If additional documents are required, you will be informed via email. 

 Step 5. Application Outcome: 

Receive application outcome within one month or earlier before the programme commencement 

^Application may take longer to process if assessment by university partner is required 

*Applicant will be informed via email of the outcome 

 Step 6. International Applicant Student’s Pass (STP) Application E-Form: 

After you have submitted the STP application, you will receive email instructions to complete, sign, upload E-form and relevant documents to ICA website within 3 months prior to course commencement  

*During peak months, may take between 1 to 2 weeks to receive email notification 

 Step 7. Issuance of Student Contract: 

You will receive your PEI student contract within 10 days of the offer being made. 

 Step 8. Student’s Pass (STP) Application Outcome & Digital Student’s Pass: 

SIM will notify you of the ICA outcome. If the STP is approved, an In-Principle Approval Letter (IPA) is issued. The applicant is then required to follow SIM’s email instructions to complete formalities with ICA. This process involves: 

 – Online document submission 

– Payment of issuance fee 

– Making an E-appointment to verify documents at the ICA Building 

 Upon completion of these steps, the applicant will be issued a digital Student’s Pass (STP). 

 Step 9. Acceptance of Student Contract: 

 After accepting your student contract, the matriculation process will kickstart. 

 Step 10. Matriculation: 

 After matriculation, you will receive your SIM Student MyMail and gain access to materials in SIMConnect. 

 Step 11. Invoice & Payment: 

An invoice is issued after enrolment, and payment must be made by the due date specified in the invoice. 

Step 12. Enrolment: 

2-4 weeks before term starts, you can enroll in the required modules/classes and view the timetable for the semester. 

Step 13. Freshmen Orientation, Induction & Events: 

Join us and meet up with your SIM Programme Executives and University Partner Representative. 

 Step 14. Semester/Term Commencement: 

Classes commence as per the scheduled timetable, officially initiating the academic semester or term. 

Congratulations, you are now a SIM student! 

At SIM, we embark on this journey with you. The timeframe provided is an estimate, should you have any enquiries, do not hesitate to reach out to our recruitment specialists. Your dreams are our priority, and we’re here to help you turn them into reality. Contact a recruitment specialist at rr@sim.edu.sg today! 

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